I removed a bunch of apps from my Home Screen that used up my time and energy, now if I really want to access an app I just search for it in the App Library. I also delete Facebook app. Baby steps!

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This post is a wake-up call! It's amazing how much our digital habits shape our lives. Your advice on creating space and practicing mindfulness is exactly what I needed. Thank you for these actionable steps!

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dear cory,

thank you for this message! it was a great way to spend two seconds, AND MORE!

this is great: "Building presence is about inserting moments of breath and mindful space across your daily experience. Eventually, it will add up to a lot, and you’ll find that it gets easier and easier to stay consistently present over time."

thank you! much love,


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Thank you friend 🙏🏻

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Not as mindful of the mini-moments as I should be. Thanks for the reminder!

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creating mini-moments is such a good idea. i'm trying to break the habit of looking at instagram wherever there is a pause - in line, waiting for a bus, on the elevator. i am going to work to remember to take a mini moment in those times from now on.

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Attention is one of our most, if not, valuable currencies we have to spend. Everyone and everything is fighting for it and the majority of people just give it away without any conscious thought on where it goes.

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Coincidentally, this morning I intentionally created space for myself. I did a phone fast and even stretched, which made me feel very human again. May we never forget what that feels like.

Wow! I’m choosing to interpret this as the Universe smiling at me for this synchronized reading.

Thanks Cory❣️

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And, dare I add, deleting apps from your phone.

Or, if you can't go without a function, replacing an addictive app with a slower clunkier one that does what you need it to do (eg I deleted Chrome and purposely use a "worse" browser on my phone).

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No doubt. I have my phone apps down to two pages.

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This is great. Kind of related story: my husband saw me doing some of my bujo tracking this morning and asked about it, mentioned using an app. I told him the point is to keep me off my phone, and the intent is mindfulness. It's one of my touchpoints for staying present and off mindless scrolling.

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Love this.

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Cory: What an important topic. I actually realize how "impatient" I am with reading anything in its entirety. I am trying to change this challenging behavior. Thank you for a reminder of how we can build our presence many times a day.

P.S. I am enjoying your book :)

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Amazing. PS. So glad to hear that 🙏🏻

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