Sep 15Liked by Cory Allen

Thanks Cory. This really landed for me today 🙏🏼

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I’m grateful to hear that.

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Letting go, allowing in. Yes.

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Sep 16Liked by Cory Allen

Thank you for this wisdom. I am working on this very thing. These words were helpful in being more receptive to the whole idea of letting go. A new perspective that is helpful .

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Sep 15Liked by Cory Allen

Wonderful read Cory!

Another facet I find essential is being able to reconcile the desire to leave something behind while still having love and appreciation for it. That is, moving on from something that you know, love, and recognize to be good in the pursuit of something you hope to be even better.

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dear cory,

beautiful words today as always. some sentiments that leapt out at me:

"Often, we hold on to what is familiar, even when it no longer nourishes us, out of fear or because it’s what we are used to."

"...clinging to what no longer serves us is like trying to hold on to water."

"Growth doesn’t come through forcing or rushing. It comes from being present and embracing each moment with awareness and understanding."

thank you for sharing as always, my friend!

much love


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Sending love Myq 🙏🏻

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“You’ll know when it’s time to go” a lyric from one of my favorite songs

I notice that when I resist the call to

Let go or move on, I run up against roadblocks that eventually force me to make the decision

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Life is just one continuous process of letting go. It gets easier with time and practice.

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