I took a moment to just pause this morning and really took a moment to embrace that I have control of my life. I act like there are so many constraints…but what if, like you said, they are all in my head.

Also, what if what you think you want now, actually doesn’t even appear in your ideal future. Maybe the disconnect is contributing to the mental fatigue that you didn’t even know you had.

It’s all about actions. So this morning, I planned a day where I released the constraints. ✨

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Lately I’m having these feelings of having no control. It feels like I’m not myself. But then other moments I feel so happy for being aware of the possibilities. It’s also a state of mind whether you’re able to release these constraints.

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dear cory,

thank you for sharing this! as always, your writing is full of meaningful reminders!

"No matter how successful, smart, or self-aware you are, you’re going to have blind spots in your thinking."

that's what YOU think! (and also what i think!)

much love,


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Sending love friend 🖤

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Hi Cory! This was such an insightful read. The idea of discovering our blind spots is indeed fresh and seems to be so effective.

"Everything changes when you realize that life isn’t happening to you. It’s unfolding based on your choices."

I'm stuck on the above lines. As the saying goes, we are products of our choices. But sadly, many of us live in autopilot mode, watching life pass by. Taking authority over our lives is difficult and sometimes way too confrontational, but as the title says, we need to hear it even if we don't want to. 

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I've just recently discovered one of my blind spots... drawing. I always thought that I couldn't draw and therefore I never tried... I was wrong. I'm not Picasso or Miró, but I enjoy drawing and I'm seeing progress and I even found the courage to share my art here on Substack. Thanks for sharing your thoughts about blind spots. I really resonates with me. 🤗

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This reminds me of the study I am doing with the Enneagram. What we find as our "number" is based on the choices we make. Being mindful of our choices is key to understanding ourselves. Thank you for your gentleness.

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This is so powerful and enlightening! Thank you Cory for transforming my blind spots into shining lights 😁

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Cory, I wonder if it also works to be be aware of the choice and see the outcome. D

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Thanks so much for this! It really fits right into my days. It’s so satisfying to do the reseach, learn from it and apply it. Even if things are not as sharp in the beginning, the effort is there. Like you mentioned, the choices made lets the progress be visible as the steps are taken. I really needed to hear this. So grateful for the writing you make. It really does make the difference!

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Appreciate you!

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I've started thinking about my own blind spots, and how to shine some light there!

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Corry another great post. Bravo. I want to ask you something. If ı want to do something for example side hustle or opening a substack but my main focus is something that ı dont want but ı need for my succes for example uni or working in hard conditions. Because of that ı will not be able to fully focus on my passion what would you recommend?

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